An integer (represented in base 10 ) is called stepping
if the adjacent digits have absolute difference of 1. Any single digit number
is stepping by definition. For example: each of the numbers 9,123,321,101,676 is
stepping, but none of 42,122,329,111,69654 is.
Compute all of the stepping numbers in the interval [A,B] !
It is easy to see that except 10,12 there are no more stepping
numbers in the interval.
Input Specification
A single line with space separated the integers 1 ≤ A ≤ B ≤ 2*109 .
Output Specification
A line with the comma searated, square bracket enclosed list
of stepping numbers. The numbers must be in increasing order!
Sample Input 1
10 20
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Sample Output 1
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Sample Input 2
100 300
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Sample Output 2
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Sample Input 3
99 100
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Sample Output 3
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