Programming contests

DEIK Regionális Programozó Csapatverseny, középiskolai kategória, 2023. december 3.

December 3, 2023, 10:00 AM – December 3, 2023, 3:30 PM

Hello World

Peter’s programming task for the next lecture is to develop a program that prints out the text HELLO WORLD !. His teacher set the following rules: When the text is printed in size of xx the height of the letters must be 2x+12x+1. The required width for the letters groups H,O,R,D and E,L and W are x+2x+2, x+1x+1 and 2x+12x+1 respectively. You must leave 11 empty space between the letters, and 33 empty spaces between the words (the ! is a word here). The empty space is represented by . (dot). For further details examine the sample outputs!

Sadly, Peter stuck with the implementation - help him out!

Input specification

A single number xx.

Output specification

The required text in size of xx.


2x202\le x \le 20

Sample input 1

  1. 2
download as text file

Sample output 1

  1. #..#.###.#...#....##....#...#..##..###..#...###....#
  2. #..#.#...#...#...#..#...#...#.#..#.#..#.#...#..#...#
  3. ####.###.#...#...#..#...#...#.#..#.###..#...#..#...#
  4. #..#.#...#...#...#..#...#.#.#.#..#.#.#..#...#..#....
  5. #..#.###.###.###..##.....#.#...##..#..#.###.###....#
download as text file

Sample input 2

  1. 3
download as text file

Sample output 2

  1. #...#.####.#....#.....###....#.....#..###..####..#....####....#
  2. #...#.#....#....#....#...#...#.....#.#...#.#...#.#....#...#...#
  3. #...#.#....#....#....#...#...#.....#.#...#.#...#.#....#...#...#
  4. #####.####.#....#....#...#...#.....#.#...#.####..#....#...#...#
  5. #...#.#....#....#....#...#...#..#..#.#...#.#.#...#....#...#...#
  6. #...#.#....#....#....#...#...#.#.#.#.#...#.#..#..#....#...#....
  7. #...#.####.####.####..###.....#...#...###..#...#.####.####....#
download as text file
University of Debrecen; Faculty of Informatics; v. 09/30/2024