Christmas is approaching, so Péter is setting up a Christmas tree. To
build the tree, he uses odd-length elements made entirely of x’s -
x Top part x.x x...x Leaf section x.....x x.x x...x Leaf section x.....x x.x x...x Leaf section x.....x xxx xxx Trunk xxx xxxThe top part of the tree is always a single x . For this
tree, there are
leaf sections, each with a height of
and the shortest element in the leaf sections is always
x.x . The trunk is
high and
wide. Unfortunately, the tree exists only as a thought in Péter’s mind —
it’s up to you to write the program that will create it.”
Input specificationA single line with the positive integers , separated by a space. Output specificationA tree that matches the parameters. All alignments should be done with spaces, but there should be no unnecessary characters at the end of the lines. Constraints
Sample input 1
Sample output 1
Sample input 2
Sample output 2
University of Debrecen; Faculty of Informatics; v. 09/30/2024 |