Péter has a large garden with Christmas trees. Out of these, he selects trees, each of which is illuminated with a bulb of strength . A bulb with strength provides light intensity at a distance . At any point in the garden, the light intensities of the illuminated trees add up. Péter wants to know the smallest positive integer such that at all unlit trees, the light intensity is at least 1. Let’s help him calculate this!Input specificationThe first line contains and . The next lines contain the coordinates and of the trees (). Finally, the last line contains numbers: the indices of the illuminated trees. All numbers are integers, and the numbers on the same line are separated by spaces. Output specificationA single line with the required number . Constraints
Sample input 1
Sample output 1
Sample input 2
Sample output 2
Sample input 3
Sample output 3
University of Debrecen; Faculty of Informatics; v. 09/30/2024 |